Monday, September 02, 2019

Familiar, yet different

If you are new here (which I suspect 99.9% of any who read this will be) then this is nothing different to you.

For me, it is like coming back to your hometown after growing up and living your life. Everything seems familiar in a nostalgic sort of way, and yet everything feels different or looks different enough to put at unease. I have missed this place, but I also know that I do not regret leaving for the time that I did.

A bit of history for you dear reader. Back in the early years of blogger, in the first week of a brand new 2004, I began a five-year journey as a blogger. I wrote more than 300 direct posts on my main blog as well as a few hundred each on three other blogs. I had regular readers and commenters. I bared my personal soul on here and I quit right when those closest to me in the real world found out about my "public/private" journal of sorts. It was cathartic for me, and let me write and explore my own mind, and more.

Now, some ten years since then I have felt the urge to begin blogging only now with years of experience and a clearer focus of who I am. This new adventure will not be so much about me per se (though it may come through in my writing), it will, however, be my writing corner. A place I can post snippets from current projects, short stories, poetry, or just informational post about writing, editing, and more.

So, welcome to my blotter. Let me know what is on your mind. Have any questions? Requests for writing? Leave a message in the comments or email me.

J.D. Crow

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